Saturday, 24 March 2012

Blog Off

When a woman who speaks fluent French (and writes very sexy books) suggests you get a blog, the wise man goes ahead and gets one. I'm a sucker for an accent and have always been more of a wise guy than a wise man, but here's my blog anyway.
Those who already know me from twitter, will be aware that I talk shite and ramble about politics. I also hit on anything that moves. Those are actually my good points.
If you know me from the book I appear in, you'll have already seen my cock. You have me at a disadvantage.
I'm not asking to see your extremities, you understand, but lets just get to know each other a little better.
Come over to twitter, knock on the door marked @JudasMacGregor and tell them Jude sent you. Bob's yer uncle, you'll have a friend for life.
Nuff said. This is just an intro,
kiss kiss,

Judas MacGregor


  1. Can I just say, the opinions that Judas expresses in his blog are all his own...I take no responsibility for him!
